Developer Preview - Toolkit 0.0.1
New as of 3/16/2023
This developer preview of our alpha toolkit is meant for those who want a no-frills understanding of the Neighbourhoods framework, from the perspective of making applets (mini Holochain apps) compatible with our core social intelligence engine, the Social Sensemaker.
Keep in mind that this look under the 'hood is not for the faint-hearted! If you're willing to boldly follow our docs and videos to build an applet, you will be pioneering this effort and helping us identify barriers in setting up the dev environment for future builders of socially intelligent, distributed applications.
Here, you will find the following features:
A sensemaker-lite configuration file that can be completed and packaged with a NH-compatible applet
An applet template, with documentation to help you make an existing Holochain hApp compatible with Neighbourhoods.
The Neighbourhoods Launcher, powered by ‘We’. The launcher is an entry point for neighbourhoods, where one can create and access personal profiles, search and join existing neighbourhoods, add applets to a neighbourhood and configure them, invite members and interact with them using applets, and *eventually* inspect the sensemaker dashboard (not included in this preview). You may encounter slow/tedious data refresh and difficulty in multi-agent environments due to a known issue.
A document sharing guidelines and tips for developing neighbourhoods-compatible applet UI/UX.
Links to example applets: a simple TODO applet that lists and orders tasks based on being tagged as 'important', a meme feed applet for posting, reacting, and dynamically ordering select memes, and a time-tracker applet. Created by the NH Team and brave contributors (@pospi; @Srini).
Videos: A short demo video of the TODO applet, another video looking at the applet template tool, and two snippets from our Holochain in Action session providing some extra detail about applet development, configuration, and the Social Sensemaker.
Please also note that our work is public on GitHub. If you like what you see in the docs above, you may want to go through our entire project page to see the full repos:
What's coming up
In our Toolkit 0.0.1 release you'll be able to access the Sensemaker directly through a dashboard that will be embedded in the Launcher.
We'll also package this release and UI additions as a desktop app and/or downloadable through the Holochain Launcher.
Last updated